Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Life I Want

I want to be a certain sort of person who lives a certain sort of life.

I want to the sort of person who is perpetually a dreamer because being realistic is overrated.
I want to be the sort of person who has true tales of adventures abroad.
I want to be the sort of person who has nothing but love for every person I encounter along this crazy path but life.
I want to be the most intense person you've ever met.
I want to be different, markedly different.
I want to be crazy about Jesus.

I want to live a life worthy of writing about.
I want to fall madly in love in a way the world has yet to know.
I want to feel alive every moment of the day, every day of my life.
I want to travel the world and call no single country my home, but I'd rather lead the life of a nomad, a student of cultures.
I want to do something that will make every person who's ever met me want to brag about it.

I want something so much greater than the mundanities of this life.
I want somethin bigger.

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